As the incoming freshman class of Rice University prepares to begin their college education, many of them are unaware of the significance that OWL-Space will play in their next four years. In fact, though OWL-Space will swiftly become one of the most visited pages on their browser, most freshmen have little idea of what it is before they begin classes.
Owl-Space is Rice’s online platform for coursework and assignment management. An administrator or professor is able to create a site on OWL-Space, add members to it via their Net IDs, and then post messages and resources for all of the site’s members to access. In this way, professors are able to communicate with their entire group of students.
On the other end, students are able to log onto OWL-Space with their Net IDs, and then access all their different sites from the top tabs of the OWL-Space home page. Typically, a student joins a site for each of their classes, and perhaps a few for their majors and extracurricular organizations.
Each professor has different ways of utilizing OWL-Space’s many functions, but common uses include:
- Uploading syllabi and weekly schedules
- Assigning homework and readings
- Providing extra resources to supplement classwork
- Communicating class-wide announcements
- Posting grades
Also, the Rice Honor Code allows classes to post online tests and quizzes on OWL-Space. Through OWL-Space, students are able to take their examinations online in the comfort of their dorms, or wherever else it is convenient for them.
OWL-Space serves not only an academic tool, but also provides somewhat of a social aspect. Students can discuss class topics on forums, or chat one-one with other online classmates (it even supports webcam!)
Additionally, students can complete applications for student organizations they are wishing to join, and provide feedback to student surveys.
Thus, more than just being students’ repository for classwork, OWL-Space is an invaluable resource that allows administrators and students to communicate with one another conveniently through the Internet. With its vast breadth of functions, OWL-Space is a Rice student’s first stop for keeping up with their life at Rice.