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Office of Information Technology

Campus Imaging Project

Eddie Heard: Saving trees and automating business processes.

Eddie Heard: Saving trees and automating business processes.

Now part of Administrative and Enterprise Systems in the Office of Information Technology, the campus imaging project using OnBase software has been increasing productivity and processing speeds for departments across campus since 2008. Currently, the document imaging application is employed by 40 departments for increasing efficiency and effectiveness of institutional data handling and replacing paper trails with automated business processes. As a group changes from paper to electronic documents, the opportunity arises to automate how documents move from desk to desk. For some departments, OIT staff develops specialized solutions (for example, the OnBase team is currently developing workflow solutions to process PAFs for Payroll, and invoices for RCA). Training and customer support are daily components of this project. As Imaging Applications Manager, Eddie Heard has been heading up this project since 2008 and was recently joined by Imaging Application Developer Shaoying Xin.

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