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Archive for the ‘Teaching and Tech’ Category

Canvas: New Learning Management System

Monday, August 8th, 2016

Note: Canvas training for faculty has started, see fall schedule. Student training will be available the first week of classes.

Excerpt from the 2015-2016 OIT Annual Report

CanvasOIT partnered with the Office of Strategic Initiatives and Digital Education and Fondren Library to start the evaluation of Canvas as a new learning management system (LMS). The IT Council and its Academic Technologies Subcommittee provided faculty oversight. The goal of the pilot was to ensure that Canvas would meet faculty needs and was a modern platform that would allow for better integration and portability of content between different teaching modalities.

During the summer 2015, fall 2015, and spring 2016 semesters, over 60 courses piloted Canvas. The cloud-hosted application is mobile friendly and accessible, which are high priorities for Rice. Faculty were recruited or volunteered to participate in the pilot. Pre and post surveys of faculty and students, which were gathered by Fondren Library’s User Experience department, assisted in the decision. The ITC Academic Technologies Subcommittee chaired by Scott Rixner solicited additional feedback from fellow faculty that teach a variety of courses and use different of features in an LMS.

Based on the feedback from the survey as well as the discussions the ITC Academic Technologies subcommittee had with faculty, the committee unanimously voted to recommend Rice University move to Canvas as its LMS. The rollout will begin in the fall 2016 semester.

OIT 2015-2016 Annual Report

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016

OIT Annual Report Cover

The Office of Information Technology 2015-2016 Annual Report is online and highlights our support for a few campus projects.

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is the university’s central technology provider, supporting research, academic and administrative systems, other core applications and voice, network, computing infrastructure for the Rice community. OIT is an integral part of Rice committed to supporting the university mission through innovative uses of technology and service excellence.

Canvas Recommendation

Tuesday, April 26th, 2016


During the Summer ’15, Fall ’15 and Spring ’16, Canvas, a learning management system (LMS) was piloted in over 61 courses. During the pilot, feedback was gathered from faculty and students as to how Canvas met the needs for teaching and learning at Rice University. The newly formed Information Technology Council Academic Technologies subcommittee, chaired and seated with faculty members, talked to their colleagues about what they use in an LMS. After much discussion and feedback, the committee unanimously voted to recommend the university move to Canvas as its LMS beginning in Fall ’16. To read the committee’s recommendation report or for information on using Canvas, training, and migrating courses from OWL-Space to Canvas, visit our web site.

Shaping Lessons and Learning in 3D

Tuesday, January 5th, 2016
Dr. Susan McIntosh displays the cast of Homo naledi produced by the 3D printer.

Dr. Susan McIntosh displays the Homo naledi casts which were printed on Rice’s 3D printer merely one year after being discovered.

In October, Dr. Susan McIntosh’s Introduction to Physical Anthropology (ANTH 203) students sent her links to articles about the discovery in South African caves of skulls from a new form of Homo, Homo naledi. While she was already aware of this archaeological discovery, she was excited by her students’ enthusiasm for breaking news related to her course.


Mapping Rio from Rice

Monday, November 23rd, 2015

Alida Metcalf, Chair of Rice University’s History Department, introduces her students to images and artifacts available through the new historical atlas, imagineRio, found online at http://hrc.rice.edu/imagineRio/.

“I’m a historian of one of the most fascinating countries of the world, and one that is very interesting to Americans because of its similarity to our own history,” begins Alida Metcalf, Chair of Rice University’s History Department, as she explains her fascination with Brazil.  “When you study any other country, you find out a lot about yourself and Brazil especially makes for a very compelling comparison. Most Americans are unaware of the similarities between the two countries.”


Repainting Online Classrooms with Canvas  

Wednesday, November 18th, 2015

“I really like Canvas, and I hope Rice adopts it,” explains Rachel Kimbro, an associate professor in the department of Sociology regarding her pilot of this Learning Management System (LMS) for her Medical Sociology (SOCI 345) course. Kimbro is one of several professors this fall who are piloting Canvas, an LMS option that is being explored by a joint group from the Digital Education Advisory Committee, the Office of Information Technology, the Office of Digital Education, and Fondren Library. As a way to assess the teaching and learning needs of Rice’s unconventional campus, this partnership is examining the aspects of an LMS that are most useful to professors on campus as well as the transition process from OWL-Space to Canvas. For the past ten years, Rice professors and students have utilized OWL-Space as an online classroom venue where resources, quizzes, exams, chat rooms, announcements, grades, and more have been shared amongst classes. Just as the students using the technology only change once a year as a class exits and a class enters the Sallyport, OWL-Space is only updated annually, too..

Sample Canvas course web site


Adding a Dimension to Understanding

Monday, November 16th, 2015

“When learning to think about molecules on a 3D atomic level, it is difficult to orient the molecules in the human mind. When using 3D printed models, it trains the brain to orient and visualize the 3D molecules accurately,” explains second-year Biochemistry and Cell Biology graduate student Sarah Alvarado. Last spring, she and other students took Structural Biology (BIOC 482/552), a course taught by Dr. George Phillips. The course was taught on a molecular level forcing students to think about protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions on an atomic level rather than the simplified 2D interactions that are commonly taught in introductory science courses.

3D Model of VP40 Matrix Protein from Ebola Virus: The red and blue highlights illustrate the electrostatic residues that play a role in the polymerization of this protein during the virus life cycle.

3D Model of VP40 Matrix Protein from Ebola Virus: The red and blue highlights illustrate the electrostatic residues that play a role in the polymerization of this protein during the virus life cycle.


Printing Molecules and Fossils in 3D

Monday, November 9th, 2015


“Structural biology is all about the architecture of molecules. Three-dimensional (3D) functionality completes the students’ understanding of how they work,” explains George Phillips, the Ralph and Dorothy Looney Professor of BioSciences at Rice University. “The arrangement of the atoms determines the biological activity of the molecule. In architecture, form follows function—same with molecules, they do what they do with a shape that is matched to their function. It is true integration of form and function.”


3D Printing at Rice

Tuesday, October 27th, 2015

by Greg Richards, OIT Data Center Operations Staff


Rice University’s new 3D printer, managed through the Shared Equipment Authority (SEA), will help students and faculty further their learning and research. The 3D Systems ProJet 660 Pro is housed and operated in Rice’s Primary Data Center (PDC) by OIT’s Data Center Operations staff under the guidance of Dr. George Phillips, Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology as well as Professor of Chemistry. Currently, Dr. Phillips and OIT staff members such as Eron Montes are testing the general use of the machine and how best to utilize its functionality. Various models have been produced, including an orc character from a video game and a magnified replica of the Hantavirus. The models are vibrant and colorful, with very clear details and a solid feel to them.


Professor Devika Subramanian: Artificial Intelligence, Calling All Servers

Monday, August 3rd, 2015

A professor of Computer Science, Dr. Devika Subramanian has been at Rice for 18 years. In her research, she develops data-driven prediction algorithms using artificial intelligence and machine learning and applies them to problems in engineering, natural sciences as well as the social sciences. Her algorithms have been used to predict mortality in patients with chronic heart failure, the risk of hurricane wind damage to individual homes in Harris County, as well as outbreak of conflict in the Middle East.
