This is a reposting of a Rice News article from October 1st, 2020
These student jobs are about more than just troubleshooting Zoom calls
Based on his experience transitioning to dual-delivery classes when the COVID-19 pandemic hit in the spring, Tom Phalen — a Professor in the Practice in the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership (RCEL) — knew the juggling act that hybrid courses demand: delivering quality material in class while also managing the technical aspects of online learning tools like Canvas and Zoom.
“So when the offer came to have a technology TA manage the technology, I jumped at the opportunity,” Phalen said.
Phalen is one of many Rice faculty taking advantage of a new program through the Office of Information Technology (OIT). Prompted by the challenges of teaching in the time of the coronavirus, OIT is now providing trained technology teaching assistants (TAs) for over 270 courses this semester. Read rest of article.