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Faculty, staff, and students email notice: Two-Factor Authentication

This article is a reposting of an email message.

To: Rice Faculty, Staff, and Students

From: Mike Dewey, Director of OIT Campus Services

Sent: March 19, 2018

Subject: Participation in Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Dear Rice Faculty, Staff, and Students –

The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is pleased to announce plans for general availability of our two-factor authentication (2FA) system, Duo, to active Rice faculty, staff and students. 2FA adds a second layer of protection to Rice accounts on top of your password, by verifying your identity using a smart phone or mobile device. To learn more about two-factor authentication, please visit https://oit.rice.edu/projects-and-initiatives/two-factor-authentication. This website contains important information about why we are implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) at Rice, what systems are protected, and how to get help if needed.

Accounts belonging to active faculty, staff and students will be enabled for 2FA on Monday, 3/26/2018. Once enabled, you will be able to use the Duo Enrollment Guide to complete your enrollment. Initially, two-factor authentication is enabled to protect MyNetID access. In the near future, this protection will be added to other applications that may grant access to sensitive information, such as VPN and Banner9.

If you have issues completing your 2FA enrollment after Monday 3/26/2018, or connecting to any system using Duo, contact the OIT Help Desk at 713-348-HELP (4357), or email helpdesk@rice.edu with “Duo” in the subject line.


Mike Dewey
Director – Campus Services
Rice University – Office of Information Technology (OIT)

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