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Student Email Notice: Refunds for duplex lab printing

This article is a reposting of an email message.

To: Rice Students

From: Mike Dewey, Director of OIT Campus Services

Sent: February 12, 2018

Subject: Print refunds for black and white Owlnet printing (duplex only)

Dear students,

It was brought to our attention by the Thresher that there could be an issue with print charges around duplex (double-sided) printing in black ink. Upon investigation, we did indeed find that the settings for the billing of duplex printing had been improperly set for the 2017 fall semester. The incorrect charge applies only to Office of Information (OIT)-supported printers (sometimes referred to as Owlnet printers). We apologize for this oversight in our billing process and have taken the following actions:

  1. On Feb. 2 we corrected the billing settings on the duplex printers and are now correctly charging 7 cents for double-sided (duplex) print jobs in black ink.
  2. We will refund the overcharges to each student for duplex printing from July 1, 2017, to Feb. 2, 2018. We will submit the refunds to the Cashier’s Office on February 14th.
  3. We have updated our KnowledgeBase to clearly reflect what the charges should be for each printer. The article is at https://kb.rice.edu/page.php?id=71577.
  4. We have implemented a process to check settings to proactively detect issues if any were to arise.

Moving forward, if you suspect a billing error like this, please report it to the Help Desk at #4357 or at helpdesk@rice.edu so we may resolve the issue as soon as possible.

Again, we apologize for the inconvenience and we thank the Thresher for alerting us about the billing error. We hope you will continue to use our Owlnet printers and take advantage of the special rate for duplex printing in black ink that is intended to save you money and use less paper, which also benefits the environment.



Mike Dewey – Director – Campus Services




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