Rice NetID email accounts for all degree recipients will be terminated a few months after graduation. Graduating students are encouraged to stay connected with Rice and each other by creating a personal alumni account at alumni.rice.edu, where you can also sign up for the following email options:
- Upon accessing your alumni account, update your profile with your preferred personal email address to receive timely news, invitations and updates from Rice and your fellow alumni.
- You may also sign up for a Rice forwarding email address: yourname@alumni.rice.edu. All the prestige associated with a rice.edu email address, with the ease of forwarding to an existing email account.
- If you do not wish to activate your personal alumni account, please take a moment to submit your existing personal email address at alumni.rice.edu/expressupdate.
Contact Alumni Relations at 713-348-4057 or arahelp@rice.edu for more information.